Monday, September 13, 2010

Introduction to Programming (Dev C++ and Turbo C)

    Turbo C had served us in our school days. Of course you project that you will also be using that in your teaching and hence the students will be forced to use that. I of course used the same tool, since it is a free download in the internet. Microsoft Visual C++ comes with a hefty price, besides, it is not suitable in our setup where we have slow computers.
Dev C++ under Windows XP
    Our requirement requires an Integrated Display Environment (IDE) since I will be teaching starters so leaving it is not likely. But as we all know, the free Turbo C is a 16 bit program and could only be run in 32 bit operating systems (No longer compatible with XP, Vista and 7 x64). I successfully made it work with Windows Seven x64 through Dosbox (at home) but we know its not a real or possible solution. Hence one remedy is to ask the administration to buy a license of Turbo C++ or Microsoft Visual C++. That is my thinking until I learned of the open source way.
    I looked around and lo and behold, Dev C++, we are now using the program. Yes, why stuck yourself in old 16bit program when others (better) are available for free.
    You can download Dev C++ at sourceforge or by clicking here.
    We are requesting the developers of the said project to continue, since its development seemed to have stopped last 2005. Until then until another free one will arrive, Dev C++ is the solution.

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